:1: There is an electric motor that used to drive water pump machine. The electric motor has specification: voltage 220 Volt single phase, frequency 50 Hz, current 9 Ampere and power 1.2 kW. How many horse power or HP power of electricity that used the motor?

:catat: Answer:
V = 220 Volt
f = 50 Hz
I = 9 A
P = 1.2 kW
P = ...? HP

The conversion formula of kW to HP
1 kW = 1/ 0.746 HP


P = 1.2 / 0.746 HP
P = 1.61 HP.

:2: In the workshop has an electric motor that has specification: voltage 200 Volt single phase, frequency 60 Hz, and power 2.5 HP. How many kilo Watt power of electricity that used the motor?

:catat: Answer:
V = 200 Volt
f = 60 Hz
P = 2.5 HP
P = ...? kW

The conversion formula of HP to kW
1 HP = 0.746 kW


P = 2.5 * 0.746 kW
P = 1.865 kW.

:3: The electric motor has specification: voltage 400 Volt single phase, frequency 70 Hz, current 8.5 Ampere and cos phi 0.75. How many horse power or HP power of electricity that used the motor?

:catat: Answer:
V = 400 Volt
f = 70 Hz
I = 8.5 A
Cos phi = 0.75
P = ...? HP

P = V I Cos phi
P = 400 * 8.5 * 0.75
P = 2550 Watt
P = 2.55 kW
P = 3.418 HP.


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