Convert octal numbers to hexadecimal numbers
1. 73
2. 305
3. 5431

1. 73 (8) = ? (16)
* First, convert octal numbers to decimal numbers. Then, convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.

octal to decimal
73 = 3x80 + 7x81
73 = 3 + 56
73 (8) = 59 (10)

decimal to hexadecimal
59 / 16 = 3, remains 11 or B
3 / 16 = 0, remains 3
59 (10) = 3B (16)

73 octal number equal to 3B hexadecimal number
73 (8) = 3B (16)

2. 305 (8) = ? (16)
octal to decimal
305 = 5x80 + 0x81 + 3x82
305 = 5 + 0 + 192
305 (8) = 197 (10)

decimal to hexadecimal
197 / 16 = 12, remains 5
12 / 16 = 0, remains 12 or C
197 (10) = C5 (16)

305 octal number equal to C5 hexadecimal number
305 (8) = C5 (16)

3. 5431 (8) = ? (16)
octal to decimal
5431 = 1x80 + 3x81 + 4x82 + 5x83
5431 = 1 + 24 + 256 + 2560
5431 (8) = 2841 (10)

decimal to hexadecimal
2841 / 16 = 177, remains 9
177 / 16 = 11, remains 1
11 / 16 = 0, remains 11 or B
2841 (10) = B19 (16)

5431 octal number equal to B19 hexadecimal number
5431 (8) = B19 (16)


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