Octal number is system number who have 8 digit numbers, which is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Octal number base 8 numeral system.

Octal number weights
80 = 1 → first digit, weights one
81 = 8 → second digit, weights eight
82 = 64 → third digit, weights sixty four
83 = 512 → fourth digit, weights 512
84 = 4096 → fifth digit, weights 4096

Example 1:
Convert Octal number 370 to decimal number

370 (8) = ? (10)
0 → 0 × 80 = 0
7 → 7 × 81 = 56
3 → 3 × 82 = 192
370 → 0 + 56 + 192 = 248
370 (8) = 248 (10)

Example 2:
Convert Octal number 55017 to decimal number

55017 (8) = ? (10)
7 → 7 × 80 = 7
1 → 1 × 81 = 8
0 → 0 × 82 = 0
5 → 5 × 83 = 2560
5 → 5 × 84 = 20480
55017 → 7 + 8 + 0 + 2560 + 20480 = 23055
55017 (8) = 23055 (10)


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